The revolution in Egypt is a stunning one indeed. After thirty years of oppression from their President, they are finally freed. They had been placed under the yoke of a fierce ruler, Mubarak. But I had known this, as I planned for this to happen.
"I will set Egyptians against Egyptians; Everyone will fight against his brother, and everyone against his neighbor, city against city, kingdom against kingdom. The spirit of Egypt will fail in its midst; I will destroy their counsel, and they will consult the idols of the charmers, the mediums and the sorcerers. And the Egyptians I will give into the hand of a cruel master, and a fierce king will rule over them." Isaiah 19:1-4
The Egyptians left their first love, Me. They sought after idols and evil. But I brought them to their knees. I placed them under oppression, but I am faithful. I have brought them out of it as I promised I would.
"In that day there will be an altar to the LORD in the midst of the land of Egypt, and a pillar to the LORD at its border. And it will be for a sign and for a witness to the LORD of hosts in the land of Egypt; for they will cry to the LORD because of the oppressors, and He will send them a Savior and a Mighty One, and He will deliver them.Then the LORD will be known to Egypt, and the Egyptians will know the LORD in that day, and will make sacrifice and offering; yes, they will make a vow to the LORD and perform it. And the LORD will strike Egypt, He will strike and heal it; they will return to the LORD, and He will be entreated by them and heal them." Isaiah 19:20-22
I have brought Egypt back to their first love.
I Am the Way, the Truth and the Life
Friday, February 11, 2011
Thursday, February 10, 2011
As for you
You were already banished to Hell. But you seem to forget that I created you as well. And since you dwell with evil, you cannot dwell in Paradise. Rather, you must dwell in Hell. But you tried to destroy My creation. You disguised yourself as a serpent and tricked My darling child into eating of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil. You lied to her, and told her I wanted them to have that knowledge. Oh you dreadful schemer! I did not desire for them to know such things so that they could be perfect and dwell with Me in perfection. But you blemished their white paper with black ink. And for that, you too must be punished. Because you used a serpent, you shall forever crawl on your belly and eat the dust of the ground! No longer will there be peace among you and the humans! They shall trample you with their feet! You have been made lowly and shall remain so for the rest of your days! Even you have no power over Me. You must come to Me for permission to tempt My children further. Damned are you Satan, for all eternity! You shall perish in the end, good will triumph over evil! I Am the LORD! I shall reign forever!
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
Inspired by Me
Phil Wickham. "In My Love" Heaven & Earth. INO Records, 2010.
I love this song because it is from My perspective. The artist sings as if it is really I, the LORD God, talking. Everything he says is true. I am with you always, guiding you and giving you strength. I love you more than you could ever comprehend. Phil Wickham does a very nice job in emulating how I feel towards my children.
Sean McConnell. "Madly In Love With You" 200 Orange St. Warner Chappell Publishing, 2003.
This song is also in My perspective. I love this song because it is true. I know you want to see me and that following is sometimes hard to do, but I am always here with you. And I will always love you with more passion than you could ever know.
Lecrae. "God is Enough" Rehab. Reach Records, 2010.
I am enough. I am all you need. I provide you with everything you will ever require in life. Deny yourself and allow Me to work in you. Lecrae does a wonderful job in portraying how the world fills your mind with this idea of "happiness" but that I am the only true way to joy.
Owl City. "Meteor Shower" Ocean Eyes. Universal Republic Records, 2010.
Adam Young is an amazing young artist, of course I know since I made him that way. This song is a great example of how you need Me. I made you out of love and life without Me means death. You need Me, and I am always here. I will never let you go.
JJ Heller. "What Love Really Means" When I'm With You. Stone Table Records, 2010.
Love is an intersting topic for humans. You strive after it your whole life, looking for that satisfaction. The begining of this song talks about the desire to feel loved and how the world tells you to conform to find it. The last verse is from Me. I love you, and I am the only One who can fulfill you the way your heart desires, because it longs for Me.
Phil Wickham. "Eden" Heaven & Earth. INO Records, 2010.
When I first made creation, I designed it to have my children with Me. However, because of the fall of man that could no longer take place. This song is a wonderful image of how it was and how it will be when My children come to join Me in Heaven.
I love this song because it is from My perspective. The artist sings as if it is really I, the LORD God, talking. Everything he says is true. I am with you always, guiding you and giving you strength. I love you more than you could ever comprehend. Phil Wickham does a very nice job in emulating how I feel towards my children.
Sean McConnell. "Madly In Love With You" 200 Orange St. Warner Chappell Publishing, 2003.
This song is also in My perspective. I love this song because it is true. I know you want to see me and that following is sometimes hard to do, but I am always here with you. And I will always love you with more passion than you could ever know.
Lecrae. "God is Enough" Rehab. Reach Records, 2010.
I am enough. I am all you need. I provide you with everything you will ever require in life. Deny yourself and allow Me to work in you. Lecrae does a wonderful job in portraying how the world fills your mind with this idea of "happiness" but that I am the only true way to joy.
Owl City. "Meteor Shower" Ocean Eyes. Universal Republic Records, 2010.
Adam Young is an amazing young artist, of course I know since I made him that way. This song is a great example of how you need Me. I made you out of love and life without Me means death. You need Me, and I am always here. I will never let you go.
JJ Heller. "What Love Really Means" When I'm With You. Stone Table Records, 2010.
Love is an intersting topic for humans. You strive after it your whole life, looking for that satisfaction. The begining of this song talks about the desire to feel loved and how the world tells you to conform to find it. The last verse is from Me. I love you, and I am the only One who can fulfill you the way your heart desires, because it longs for Me.
Phil Wickham. "Eden" Heaven & Earth. INO Records, 2010.
When I first made creation, I designed it to have my children with Me. However, because of the fall of man that could no longer take place. This song is a wonderful image of how it was and how it will be when My children come to join Me in Heaven.
Monday, February 7, 2011
I made you out of love
Love you could not think of.
I made you for My Grace
But you just slapped My face.
I gave you one simple rule,
Have all you want but do not drool
Over that one tree.
That one tree you see
Is full of lies and deception.
I gave you all you could ever need
But instead you went for the weed.
In a place of such beauty,
How could you desire something so ugly?
I brought you into this place,
One so filled with grace,
But you served your heart
And now it has torn us apart.
I wanted you to be with Me
But you instead wanted to be “free”.
Free to sin,
To let your selfish desires win.
But that my friend
Is not allowed is paradise.
So now because of this vice
You must leave.
I require perfection
And affection
Not self-gratification.
So since you are blemished
And your love for Me has diminished
I must send you out.
But please do not doubt,
For I still love you.
I will take you by the hand
And until we can meet again
I will guide you.
I will tell you what path to take
And won’t allow your feet to shake.
But beware, for the devil prowls like a lion
Seeking to push you from mount Zion
Once again.
He wants to see you fall
But when you are overwhelmed just call.
Call out to Me, and I will be there
I will never leave you alone,
For I am everywhere.
The Garden

CC posted on Flickr by Trey Ratcliff
Oh what a place to fill your belly. The Garden has every food you could ever imagine. Thousands of trees with incredible fruit, animals roaming like you have never seen. The garden is luscious, green and beautiful. Eat from any tree you please! There is one tree however, one that is forbidden. The fruit is rotten, void of goodness. Do not eat of this tree. This tree’s server is Satan. He clouds your mind with promises of fulfillment only to be disappointed when you discover this to be a lie. He serves destruction, destruction of the soul and of mankind. He fills your eyes with luscious, empty promises. The fruit looks ripe on the outside, but once bitten into it leaves your mouth full of bitterness. It alters your mind and changes your heart. It makes you seek self gratification and places a void within your heart. No, do not eat of this tree. Instead, eat of My trees. I have provided all you will ever need in this glorious garden. What a marvelous place to eat and rest! Such beauty cannot be expressed. Dine with Me in Paradise, a true paradise indeed. I will give you all that you need. But again, do not eat of the one forbidden tree.
Sunday, February 6, 2011
I Am Love
Walking with Adam today, he was concerned about what would become of mankind. I could tell he was distressed. Adam and Eve both repented for their sin, but I must send them from Eden. I am perfect and blameless, and cannot dwell with evil or sin. I know they are deeply sorry for what they have done, but now a wall has been built around our relationship. They fear that what they have done has doomed the rest of the earth. To ease their worry, I showed them what was to become of the humans. I showed them how they would multiply greatly and inhabit the earth. Then how the tribes would turn their faces from Me, as they had done. But I also showed them My Son, and His death on the cross for the forgiveness of all sin. He would be the One to reconcile for their mistake. He will break down the wall between My children and I and turn My Love into something more personal. I will have a close and intimate relationship with My sons and daughters. I will rule in their hearts and My Love will guide them. Sin and death will no longer have any power, as Jesus will beat death and rise from the grave. My children will call out to Me and I will listen. I am faithful, I will provide for them. Adam and Eve were comforted by the vision I showed them. But then, sadly, it was time to part. One day they shall join Me again in Paradise. But for now, we must be separate. They will never forget My Love. I made them complete. They will remember Me and call out to Me. And I will love them. I Am Love.
How many times
must I remind you that he has no power over you? Satan can do nothing without coming to Me first. Why do you fear him? He and his demons are not to be feared. You have My love to lean on. I am greater than he. Do you doubt My power and might? Do not make him bigger than he really is. You let him walk all over you. You let him deceive you. You did not trust in Me. Instead you trusted in a way to get what you wanted. You pleased yourself and indulged yourself in sin. It consumed you. He disguised it with empty promises and a beautiful exterior. You gave in rather than coming to Me. I told you not to eat of that tree, but you did not listen. After your sin, you hid from Me. You ran away and tried to hide the truth. But I had already known what you had done the moment you committed the sin. There must be punishment. I am faithful and just. I must judge accordingly. Therefore, you must be sent out. You may not abide here in Paradise. I cannot dwell with imperfection. I am a loving God, but I cannot let this go. Oh if only you had listened to Me instead of the serpent! I promised you everything but you were not satisfied. So you threw it all away. Mankind shall be different now because of your actions. You must go live on the earth, without Me.
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